We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
"Little Gidding"
T S Eliot

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Moving times ...

Wow, is that how long I've neglected my blog? Shame on me - but I do have a good excuse as it looks like I will finally be moving home, so I'm trying to sort out 26 years worth of accumulation - particularly in the arts and crafts area, but it is amazing what I'm finding at the back of kitchen cupboards!

Anyway, a couple of weeks back I tried my hand at lino cutting/printing at a half day workshop.

I was really surprised at how easy it was to control the cut. I decided to do a bee, as that is a favorite image of mine.

Here is the finished cut -

First print -

More prints on various papers -

We used coloured tissue paper, book and map pages.

Really good fun, and not bad for a first attempt. I will definitely be doing more.

Still visiting exhibitions and places of interest.  One of the recent exhibitions I loved was the Van Gogh exhibition at Tate Britain. Fabulous to see so many of his works brought together in one place.

Some of my favourites ...

Hospital at Saint-Remy

The Garden Gate

Starry Night

The iconic Sunflowers looks so much better in reality than any photograph of it, so I've not included it here, but it has now become one of my favourites too!

The exhibition is on until 11 August, so do go if you can.

I'm not producing much artwork at the moment, as moving house is taking priority, so bear with me in this transition period!