As usual, I was experimenting! I drew the outline of the trees then covered them with tissue paper, wrinkling it as I stuck it down. I then wondered if I could get away with covering the tissue with masking fluid while I did the background, and then get the masking fluid off successfully.
You don't know unless you try! So that is what I did, painting the background with a dark blue watercolour mix - I did about 4 watercolour washes.
The masking fluid had been on for about 48 hours, and now was the time to try and get it off without ruining the tissue paper. I rubbed it off very slowly and ... it worked!
The Autumn foliage is done with gouache, which was not intense enough for me, so I then resorted to heavy body acrylics - much better. I think there also may be a bit of oil pastel in there too!
I used texture paste for the grass area, and then watercolour, also some gouache - oh and - heavy body acrylics!
Finally, added the dark patches on the trunks, using the tissue wrinkles as a guide.
Since I've been doing all those art courses (it has been 2 years now), I've learnt that most times when I begin something it looks awful, and I'm tempted to bin it, but it is only once I've been working on something for some time (like this one), that eventually it may come together (probably!). So not so much goes in the bin now. I'm also quite happy to use any combination of media to get the result I want.
I'm entering this for the current Paper Artsy challenge, which is all about dark to light (contrast).
Having finally finished the painting, I was inspired to write another Haiku ...
Gold red cloaks falling
Pale figures reaching skyward
Ere long silent ghosts